Kitkat225 has eggs


Sep 30, 2014
New to the chicken world and can't believe how much I enjoy it. Just found first two eggs a day ago. Could of sworn they came from same chicken (Jasmine). Today found another from Jasmine. You go girl!
Hi :welcome
Glad you joined the flock. Congratulations on your first eggs. Be sure to ask lots of questions every one very friendly. Hope you continue to get many more eggs :frow
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on those first eggs! :ya Good girl Jasmine! :weee
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on those first eggs! Sometimes they do release 2 yolks in one day when they are first starting to lay. That will clear up pretty soon. Enjoy your flock and your eggs!! :)

It never gets old either, finding a new egg, from a new layer. Always wonder what the color is going to be, unless it's a leghorn of course! Even the brown egg layers lay a different color of brown. I love my RSL's egg's, they are different shades of I love the dark ones. :)
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Congratulations. It's always so exciting to get those first eggs. Is Jasmine named after the Disney princesses? My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) names our hens after Disney princesses, so we have a Jasmine in our flock as well. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with Jasmine.
I have 4 chickens all purchased at the same time. Only one has laid (3) egss when can I expect the others to follow
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

Congratulations on the eggs! I hope you get many more.

It's hard to tell when the others will start laying. They may be too young (are they the same age as the other bird)? Different birds mature at different rates. They could also be molting, which would slow down or stop egg production. Did you recently purchase them? Stress from moving to a new home can stop egg laying as well.
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