Lady Amherst


8 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Snyder County, PA
Does anyone know somebody in Central / Western NY who might have a male Lady Amherst for sale? Got a really good price on three females and it would be nice to have a male, as well.
With some more research, I think I could be wrong on this. I do not know the age of the birds, but I know they aren't very old. Two have very light eyes while the third has dark brown eyes. I am thinking (based on what I read) that two may be males and have not yet started to color out. Is that likely?
Yes, sounds like they are this year's hatch and just starting to show changes in eye color. The males will start to show some slight feather coloring soon but will not fully color out until next year. Hope the person did not sell them to you as all females.
I thought you said you bought all hens.None the less,the are the same price,It's to bad you got 2 males and 1 hen and they are related,yes?You could always try to buy a trio and have 3 unrelated pairs.
In N.H.,Tony.
Tony, honestly, I am totally new to pheasants. I assumed (based on the color) they were hens and have come to find out otherwise. That is an awesome idea about getting three more and having three pairs. As with all things, everyday is a learning experience and everyday you don't learn something new is a lost opportunity.
Ranit, they were not misrepresented. They were sold simply as three Lady Amhert pheasants. My son (13) asked me to bid on them when we looked through the birds prior to the auction.
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Glad to hear they were not misrepresented. I find most people are honest, but once in awhile you get someone who isn't. I bought some "lady amhearst" chicks one time and as they got older and started to color it was very apparent they were crossed with red goldens. Ended up giving them away as I wanted to keep my stock as pure as I could.
Well, this is my first go with them. I am certainly going to try Tony's idea and see if I can find a trio to pair them out. Thanks for the replies.

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