Lady or gentleman barred rock?


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2020
Almost 7 weeks ago I got 10 barred rock chicks. They were only a few days old when I got them and all supposed to be female. I didn't pay attention possible earlier signs of whether any of them might be male because I just trusted what I was told. I probably wouldn't have questioned it if not for two that are obviously different than the rest. 7 of the girls all have similar amounts of white and black on their feather (some of their black is little lighter than others) But these two we've named Kiara and Mara. Their feather on their chest and necks are more white and have a different pattern even. I can't find similar pictures online to even compare them too. Here's Mara and Kiara together.


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They don't really have much yet. Hard to get them to hold their head still to get a good picture. I've also included a picture of three of the other girls. 7 of them look like that. We lost one on the second day so only 9 now. Any idea what these other two might be?


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They don't really have much yet. Hard to get them to hold their head still to get a good picture. I've also included a picture of three of the other girls. 7 of them look like that. We lost one on the second day so only 9 now. Any idea what these other two might be?
They all look like pullets to me! Hopefully someone else will have ideas about the breed of those two.
Almost looks like lacing- please do repost so we can see how they color up! And agreed they all look like pullets from these photos.
Here's Ms. Kiara now. They don't hold still long enough to get a good picture. But the feathers coming in on her face are white/silverish. She's becoming quite a looker. Her sister that looks like her has more blurred markings as she ages but also has the whitish feathers coming in on her face. The other girls still look more like barred rocks.


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It does look similar, but Silver Pencilled Rocks look a bit different. This one looks laced and barred almost. Here's one of my Silver Pencilled Rocks for comparison
I dug around some more looking at SPPRs, and came to the same conclusion that you pointed out. I wonder if there was mixing. You have some gorgeous birds.

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