LAKE PLACID FLORIDA....on the hunt for fresh eggs!

Popes Nose

7 Years
Nov 13, 2012
Lake Placid
Hi all...we got hooked on REAL eggs when we had Orpingtons and Australorps as our kids were growing up. We are now part-timers in Lake Placid, and I have been looking for a fresh egg supply. Anyone sell their surplus eggs, or know of a good source for these beauties anywhere near Lake Placid?
Greetings from Kansas and
! Hope you stick around. I know what you mean about "real" eggs - I can never go back now that I raise my own. You might go over to the Social forum and then the Where Am I? Where Are You? thread, find Florida, and post your egg question there - should get better results. Good luck to you!
Hello and welcome to BYC
X2 what redsoxs said. Enjoy the site!

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