Lakenvelder owners??


10 Years
Jul 1, 2009
new Hampshire
How do you like this breed? I accidently got one in with my cochins from the feed store. Hope it's a girl but I know nothing of the breed? So any opinions would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
I ordered some. One of my dearest friends...a certifiable "old timer" says Lakenvelders were the one breed of chickens HIS dad always told him he ought to raise if he were going to raise chickens. I got the chicks specifically because in 65+ years of cattle ranching / horse breeding / living in the country my friend had never even seen one. He was tickled pink and since there are only (I think) two left they'll be gifts to him.

From what I've read about the breed they are a bit flighty, more nervous breed than some but mine are only 2 weeks old so I can't really tell yet ;D
It takes a little practice... ;)
Ok this comment worries me lol
I only have the one chick and it seems to push all the other chicks around. I also ended up with 2 light brahmas which I have never had either. The other 5 are ALL cochin which is my personal favorite breed. By the way yours are stunning!!! Are they easy to sex as chicks??
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