O.K so a few weeks ago one of my Pekins went lame, I checked her for breaks and dislocations, I couldnt see any, as far as I can remember she didn't have the bumblefoot scab ( can ducks get that?) but I shall double check tomorrow. Now her foot looks swollen and she walks on it but it definitely impedes her. It is almost as though her foot is dead, I don't know if that makes sense or not but it almost look as if there is no feeling in it and it is kind of discoloured i.e. greyey orange. She is bright eyed and eating fine, she swims and when the other ducks take their daily walk (into the garden) sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. I can upload pictures tomorrow if that would help. I am just completely confused about why this happened. The only thing I can think of is that we had a lot of wind a while back and that the chicken shed door blew shut on her foot (extensive bruising maybe?) but it has gone on a while. If it were a disease surely others would have it... any ideas please???