Large dogs and corrid treatment


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
If I chose to treat my flock with corrid can my dogs, who drink from the larger containers set out around the yard, be affected by this?

I have a 6 yr old 80# mutt and a 6.5 month old 90+ lb Mastiff. I can easily keep the 13 yr old 9# girl away from the waters for a week.

Thank you!
If I chose to treat my flock with corrid can my dogs, who drink from the larger containers set out around the yard, be affected by this?

I have a 6 yr old 80# mutt and a 6.5 month old 90+ lb Mastiff. I can easily keep the 13 yr old 9# girl away from the waters for a week.

Thank you!
Here's a thread I found: backyardchickens.

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