Large rooster killed hen


Sep 9, 2015
Southern Mississippi
My rather large Lavender Orpington rooster mounted one of my mixed breed hens. He was on her too long. She apparently suffocated. Is this from his inexperience or is he just too big for smaller hens? If I buy larger hens will they fair better? He is 13 plus pounds, she was only 5.5 to 6 pounds.
More Orps, Austrolorps, Wyandottes, LF Cochins, RIRs, Sexlinks. I think just about any dual purpose breed would work. Most of my EEs get pretty big.
Welsummers should be okay. Mine were pretty big girls. My cuckoo and black copper Marans have been good sized too. Chanteclers are another good dual purpose breed, the hens are usually around 8 lbs.
Was considering adding some Welsummer hens to my flock. Would they be able to with-stand his attentions?
For any hen, size will really depend on the strain and on whether or not you free-range them, as free-ranged hens tend to be leaner than their penned counter-parts. My free-ranged welsummer from Meyer Hatchery is about 5 pounds.
My flock free-range 4 to 5 days per week. A few of the mixed breed hens have leaned down since I bought them as young pulleys. Will have to look around for some large hens, regardless of breed. Going for a "barn yard mutt" flock.
I would say you need a new cock/erel who knows when he's done and get off.
How old is he...and how old are the 'hens'?
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