
May 13, 2021
I've currently got three healthy hatched chicks in a brooder, but I also have still some three eggs left in the incubator. I'm getting a little worried, because it's about day 21 or 22 and I've heard that, while Quail can be late, 21 is the max? I've managed to candle then because there no external pip but I can't see anything, idk if from inexperience or otherwise. I tried the float test once in a humid bathroom and they seem to have all floated just fine. Any ideas as to why, or if they're dead?
I've currently got three healthy hatched chicks in a brooder, but I also have still some three eggs left in the incubator. I'm getting a little worried, because it's about day 21 or 22 and I've heard that, while Quail can be late, 21 is the max? I've managed to candle then because there no external pip but I can't see anything, idk if from inexperience or otherwise. I tried the float test once in a humid bathroom and they seem to have all floated just fine. Any ideas as to why, or if they're dead?
While doing the float test, your watching for it the egg shakes, I would say if you don’t see the chick by candling already that they are duds. I would have gotten rid of them. If you want to be sure, you can take a picture of the eggs while candling?
While doing the float test, your watching for it the egg shakes, I would say if you don’t see the chick by candling already that they are duds. I would have gotten rid of them. If you want to be sure, you can take a picture of the eggs while candling?
Sorry, I should clarify by when I couldn't see anything is that everything is just dark. I have to use the light from my phone so no pictures but I don't think it's strong enough to clarify any details either-- I don't currently own any alternatives.

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