Laying and Broody Hens

Oct 10, 2018
My chickens are 4 months now. I am new to chickens. I want to collect eggs and hopefully hatch some this spring. I am new to this and need the basics. Also wondering if a hen is broody can I still collect eggs and just decide when I want her to hatch some. Thanks!
Broodiness is hormonal. So not every bird will go broody and you cannot control when she will be broody.
She will not lay while broody. It is best to either give her eggs to sit on or break her. Having a hen be broody for a long time is not good for her as she loses condition while sitting.
Average onset of lay is 18-28 weeks for most breeds.
Diet and time of year can influence that.
@AlleysChicks covered broodiness well.

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