Laying hen with watery poop since molt in November


Scarborough Fair
7 Years
Jul 3, 2016
WA, Pac NW
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 2.5 year old Olive Egger hen with consistent watery poops that began with her annual molt around November. Well, molt's over and she's resumed laying, but the watery poops have continued. No mess on her rear, eggs are fine. She's alert, eating and behaving normally. No one else in the flock has the same issue.

In case it's relevant, feed is about 60% fermented Scratch & Peck grower and 40% dry Payback layer pellets, and since it's winter they're getting next to no treats other than layer pellets tossed on the ground. Supervised free range of about 15 min a day.

I wormed her with Safeguard last month as a precaution as watery poops can be a sign of worms, but no change. Did a site search but most cases of diarrhea are sporadic or come with a host of other health issues, and that's not the case here.

Anyone have any clue what else I could try or look into? It's just annoying to clean up after her.
I don’t have any suggestions, but I once had a young hen who seemed perfectly normal except that she had watery droppings every day. She was active, spent the day out free ranging, ate and drank normally, gained weight, but when she spent time in the nesting box every other day, she never laid an egg. Her droppings never improved with probiotics, cottage cheese. I finally gave her to a friend for processing.
Her droppings never improved with probiotics, cottage cheese. I finally gave her to a friend for processing.
I thought about trying probiotics - wouldn't hurt to pick some up.

If we were inclined to eat our birds, I would've already turned her into dinner (hubby refuses, which is why we have several birds that don't lay at all still running around). But I do appreciate that she's at least laying when the majority of our flock hasn't resumed yet. :)

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