Leg scales falling off, raw skin underneath

Le Moth

9 Years
Jun 19, 2015
New Zealand
I noticed a week ago that this young turkey hen kept pecking at her toes and legs.
Now her legs look awful, scabby and brown, she's pecking at her legs constantly, the scales are coming off leaving raw skin underneath.
Anyone know what this is?
Can I treat it?
Is it contagious to our ducks and pet turkey?

She isn't a pet but a wild turkey that is friendly with us. IMG_2652.JPG IMG_2654.JPG IMG_2655.JPG IMG_2656.JPG
Odd.. it doesn’t look like scaly leg mites. It looks more like blisters. It is also only on the middle of both legs. Maybe it got its legs caught somewhere. Or maybe they are mites, but he pecked so much that it turned to blisters. Can you scrub the legs with soap and put some Vaseline in them?

When she was pecking them a week ago, her legs looked fine, I didn't see any raised scales or anything caught on them, when she reappeared they were like this.
I can definitely get my hands on her if needed by grabbing her when she's eating.
She has also separated herself from her small flock of siblings however I had assumed it was because she could be ready to lay. She is absent when they roost at night though and always appears on her own.

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