Olive survived peratinitus, but is showing signs of illness again- head down, tail down and sitting a lot. However, she still dust baths, eats and drinks. I'm worried about her. What's next to do? Please, help!!
No, phoned the vet. He said I was doing everything he would do...Penicillin. Olive survived it. She's still a little swollen, but lately she's lethargic, participates in chicken activities, but tires quickly. Her breathing is more rapid than my other hen's, but not labored.
Anyone know about enalapril for heart and ascites? Was reading this can help with liquid/swelling in chickens. I'm desperate for help for my girl. She's a pet....
Thank you, KikisGirls! Amazing draining articles. My chicken still looks normal. She's not bloated up like the sick birds in the draining articles. Wow!!
She's also making smaller than usual poops, but normal in color and texture. I gave her some honey water this afternoon to give her some energy. She seems to be in good spirits. Eats, drinks, "talks"..just like normal. She may become a house chicken. I just don't want her to suffer.
I'm concerned that the peritonitis is gone, but there might be heart/lung issues. I'm full of questions....