leghorn went broody!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 25, 2012
my dad has a 4 white leghorns (which aren't supposed to be broody). he collects eggs every day and one decided to go broody on him anyways lol. she is so cute sitting on her nest looking like she wants to kill me for even looking in that direction lol. somehow the other chickens managed to lay more eggs under her so now there is 7. dad has decided to let her hatch them. i can't wait to have one of my hens go broody!
Well, I have great news for ya, I have 2 White Leghorn go broody and number one is hatching as I type. She has 8 and I know there's at least one. My sweet Lucy has now turned into the evil queen and will not let me touch! lol, can't say I blame her:) Number 2 has been sitting since the 10th of this month, so we shall see! Good luck to you!

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