
Ricks Chicks

11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Leicester, Massachusetts
This is probably a silly question but I will ask anyway. Foghorn leghorn in the cartoon is a leghorn right? and leghorn hens are all white with a red comb? and if I am right can I raise them with my RIR?
Leghorns come in a variety of colours not just white. There is no reason why 2 or more breeds can't be raised together unless you want to breed purebreds.
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Some leghorns are all white with a red comb, like Foghorn Leghorn. Others are brown, buff, silver, red, black, spotted... lots of varieties. Chickens can be racist, but most do fine together, especially if raised from chicks together. If you're trying to introduce adult birds to each other, do it slowly and give them time to get to know each other. Expect a little fighting to see who's top bird, and then things should calm down and be fine.

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