Lesser of 2 evils? Possibly sick babies, need advice


5 Years
Jul 31, 2014

My new babies are 2 1/2 weeks old, and have recently started sneezing. There is no nasal discharge as far as I can tell, nor do their beaks seem warm. I thought they may have been reacting to the dust since I was getting to the bottom of the bag of stall pellets, but now they sneezing is more frequent, and I have opened a new bag, so I don't think it's that.

Here is my issue: I was about to put them outside in the coop since they are really too big now for the brooder box. I also need to put a larger water container in there since they are outgrowing the old one. However, in light of the sneezing, is this dangerous? Is 2 1/2 weeks too young? It has been very warm lately (southern California)--low 90s day and high 60s/low 70s night temp--so I don't *think* they will be too cold. I really want to get them out of the box though so I can for sure rule out the bedding as the source of the sneezing, and give them access to a larger water container/more room to stretch.

I am going to get some raw apple cider vinegar to add to their water tonight. As far as I can tell they are all eating and drinking normally. Other thoughts would be appreciated--I am worried about them but don't want to overreact.

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My new babies are 2 1/2 weeks old, and have recently started sneezing. There is no nasal discharge as far as I can tell, nor do their beaks seem warm. I thought they may have been reacting to the dust since I was getting to the bottom of the bag of stall pellets, but now they sneezing is more frequent, and I have opened a new bag, so I don't think it's that.

Here is my issue: I was about to put them outside in the coop since they are really too big now for the brooder box. I also need to put a larger water container in there since they are outgrowing the old one. However, in light of the sneezing, is this dangerous? Is 2 1/2 weeks too young? It has been very warm lately (southern California)--low 90s day and high 60s/low 70s night temp--so I don't *think* they will be too cold. I really want to get them out of the box though so I can for sure rule out the bedding as the source of the sneezing, and give them access to a larger water container/more room to stretch.

I am going to get some raw apple cider vinegar to add to their water tonight. As far as I can tell they are all eating and drinking normally. Other thoughts would be appreciated--I am worried about them but don't want to overreact.

The are too young to be in temps under 75* can you find a bigger brooder to keep them in? a large box would even do in a pinch since a couple more weeks and out they can go. How about feed is it dusty when eating they can get it into their nares. do they have a way to clean out their nares when eating [very important]a bowl made out of a plastic container with a hole cut into the top for head dunking can help keep water splashing to min. put the bowl onto a try. But dust from feed could be the culprit. For temps rule of thumb with ducklings is first week 85-90 and 5* lower each week till completely feathered. Good info on raising ducklings https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/750869/raising-and-caring-for-ducklings#post_10611711 also make sure bedding doesn't get sopping wet this can cause mold to grow pretty fast and can cause problems also. When i had one of my ducklings inside from hatch [mama rejected him] I would take him out in the warmest part of the day when it was not windy and let it wander around close by me. Then i would take him back inside after about 15 mins I did this a couple times a day he did great. temps were in the mid 80's at that time. Just kept him out of direct sunshine.
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Thanks. I pulled them out of the coop that night and got them settled back into the brooder box, but I really think I only delayed things for a few days since they are growing unbelievably fast! Plus they are so tall now that their heads are nearly hitting the top lid of the box. I did use the ACV, and a slightly larger water container with a bigger hole for head dunking, so hopefully that will help things. I am moving them into the coop tomorrow though as it is getting even hotter (!!!!) and so the night temps are jumping up to 73-75 degrees. Now I just have to make sure they don't get too HOT during the day--102 on Sunday and Monday!--still, they have plenty of shade, and I can provide some outside time in the sprinkler for them to cool off when it gets really warm.

I am using crumble, and it is dusty, so I am hopeful that this is the cause of the sneezing then maybe. I hadn't considered that as an option.

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