lethargic chick!!


7 Years
Sep 24, 2014

She's acting very lethargic, barely wakes up when I hold her. I can even flip her to her back if I do it gently. Her legs might be a little splayed, but that could be her just staying balanced. She waddles when she walks, and when she's sleeping, her breathing makes her rock a little bit. But she isn't panting. It's like she doesn't want to stand but she doesn't want to sit. She won't eat right now, she will take some sugar water but I have to wake her up to get her to do so. Help!!
Sugar water or honey water will hopefully pep her up. Also heard you can use something called save a chick.
She pooped a tiny bit, it was a tad runny. When she walks, she spreads her wings down like she doesn't trust her legs. :/ Where would I find this save a chick?
I do not know honestly. Probly any farm store. I would also let some chick fee soak in water and honey till its mush and feed it to her.
I had a chick like that and she was a runt and never grew bigger than about 5 pounds and eventualy she was so lethargic I found her and thought she was dead. I brought her "back to life" and gave her to a friend as a house pet lll
I think she has a slight case of splayed leg. I've gotten her to eat and drink a little and she's got a bandaid hobble on. She's so tiny lol, she's a bantam. I used a small bandaid and it almost swallows her itty bitty legs.
Lol aw is she acting less lethargic with the hobble? She may have just bee exausted from trying to walk with the splayed legs
Yeah she's doing better, still pretty sleepy. I tried putting her back in with the other girls but they walked all over her poor thing. I only have two bantams and they're in a box with two Austrolorps and four Wyandottes. I pulled her back out for now. They're all about two weeks or so, I'd hate to see what would happen if I put her in with my older girls and possible roo that are about 6 weeks!
Whenever I have to introduce a new chick to the flock I always get too so they're in a pair and they will protect each other and be best friends. I suggest putting her with one of the bantams or another tiny chick that won't do her much harm. They will be best friends, I have two wyandottes that are inseprablebecause of that and they are best friends. I have a lavander and silkie now 2 weeks that are besties and the silkies are always targets for bullying so having the lavander is good because her parents were Giants! Lol it'll be like the silkie has a body builder friend

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