Lethargic Leg Horn Chicken


Jan 8, 2016
I have a very lethargic Leg Horn chicken. She waddles, sits all the time, has a red underside, and has no feathers underneath because she drags it. Is she just deformed or is there something tragically wrong with her?

My other 3 Rhode Island Reds are doing nicely. I will be getting more to total 12, remodeling the run and enlarging the coop.
Any help with plans would be greatly appreciated.

It's also been very cold, -25 at times and they have done very well.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Does she have any other symptoms? Does she eat and drink ok? Ha she always been like this or is a new thing! Does anything look deformed or broken? You can pop by the emergencies section ~https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures Give as much detail as you can, this way members will be able to help you and your bird the best.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome, glad you have joined us.

But so sorry about your Leghorn. This sounds like she is ill and to try to help her, you will need a probable diagnosis.

Please do post under the emergencies and adding as much detail you can gather in a physical exam and pic of her can help get the best opinions and suggestions.

Also, visit the learning center articles to see if there's info there to help you decide what is wrong.

And place her in a warm, quiet "hospital" to allow you to monitor and asses her.

Hope it's nothing serious and she will improve.
Agree completely with Sunflour. Please post in full detail at the ER site. Has she been laying eggs and then just stopped? Is there a chance she is eggbound (egg hasn't passed out)

You've already been given the best advice (post on the emergency forum) so I'll just say hello and hope all is well.

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