Hi there:
We have a tiny backyard flock--down to one a couple weeks ago when a fox took our Buff Orpington. We found two new birds from a breeder in the area, one a big healthy adult Australorp and one a pullet (maybe 6 wk to 2 month) Lavendar Orpington. The big one has adjusted to our Sliver Laced Wyandotte well. The baby is struggling. Now I think it is sick.
It seems lethargic and falls asleep a lot in the day. We have had a hard time integrating it into the roost at night, it jumps on the other hens and makes them mad. They are not accepting it well. Last night when everybody was asleep I moved it from its ddog crate into the roost and that worked (I took her out again before sunrise).
But increasingly it seems listless and sleepy.
We need to worm everybody. I am wondering about treating for coccidiosis as well. Here are my questions:
1) Medicated feed? and what feed for chickens this age?
2) Treat by mouth for coccidiosis? All three? How long?
3) Baby vitamin?
4) Other ideas?
It is about to get really cold around here, we need this baby to grow. She doesn't seem to be growing at all.
I think I am starting to get the reason why people raise their own chicks instead of getting big ones from a breeder. We have always done that but I can see how you don't have any control over how the flock is cared for (although it looked like a clean place).
We have a tiny backyard flock--down to one a couple weeks ago when a fox took our Buff Orpington. We found two new birds from a breeder in the area, one a big healthy adult Australorp and one a pullet (maybe 6 wk to 2 month) Lavendar Orpington. The big one has adjusted to our Sliver Laced Wyandotte well. The baby is struggling. Now I think it is sick.
It seems lethargic and falls asleep a lot in the day. We have had a hard time integrating it into the roost at night, it jumps on the other hens and makes them mad. They are not accepting it well. Last night when everybody was asleep I moved it from its ddog crate into the roost and that worked (I took her out again before sunrise).
But increasingly it seems listless and sleepy.
We need to worm everybody. I am wondering about treating for coccidiosis as well. Here are my questions:
1) Medicated feed? and what feed for chickens this age?
2) Treat by mouth for coccidiosis? All three? How long?
3) Baby vitamin?
4) Other ideas?
It is about to get really cold around here, we need this baby to grow. She doesn't seem to be growing at all.
I think I am starting to get the reason why people raise their own chicks instead of getting big ones from a breeder. We have always done that but I can see how you don't have any control over how the flock is cared for (although it looked like a clean place).