Lethargic, ruffles feathers and weight loss. lost 2 hens


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
I bought 6 hens (4 faverolles at four months old and 2 silkies at 6 months old) in May and since then we have lost 2 of our faverolles and none of the hens are laying yet. We lost our first chicken about a month after we brought them home and the other one a few days ago. Both seemed to happen over 2 or 3 days - they started to move slow, had their feathers fluffed up and eventually just laid limp and would not stand up anymore. Both were eating and drinking small amounts while showing symptoms.

I am afraid I was shocked to find the first chicken in this state and did not examine her too thoroughly but did not find any signs of mites on checking the other hens after she died. The second chicken I found to be extremely skinny and had a bit of a pasty bum (not noticeable till I was checking her over). Both hens laid down, were breathing slowly, limp and did not try to resist being picked up in their final hours.

All the other hens seem to be in good health ( i said this after the first chicken death as well...) and I am really not sure what to do to ensure their continued health. I called a 24hr vet phone line when i first noticed my hen acting sick and was never contacted back. Please, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
First thought would be Coccidiosis. It is not uncommon for older birds to get it but most have built up an immunity to it. If you have had younger birds on the same plot as the new ones are on now, the oocysts can survive in the dirt for a long time and be picked up by the other birds. I would treat the flock with Sulmet or Corid for 4 to 5 days. Disinfect the area and coup with a stong disinfectant such as Oxine. Watch your other birds. At first sign, seperate the bird in question. Use Sulmet or Corid in the water. Watch for other signs and symptoms so that a possible diagnosis can be made.

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