Want to know what you think of the letter,please not on smoking. I already know the effects,I have a really good Doctor that tells me every time I go in.I borrowed the last line from someone on the forum.
To the editor;
I won't argue the fact that smoking is a choice and not a right. But then neither is driving.But it's my choice. Not the best one but probably not the last bad one I'll make in my lifetime.
This one I will argue. What about the rights of the business owner? Shouldn't they be given the right to choose what will be allowed in their establishment? Or should that right be taken away? For the safety of the people that have the choice to of whether or not they enter that establishment? Gun laws were made for the same reasons. For the protection of the public.
New York just passed a trans fat law.Why? Because people can't seem to make the right choices. So now they've decided to make Big Brother watch out for us. They're not taking our rights,we're giving them away.
In 2006 tobacco taxes raised 21,027,845.00 Douglas recieved 54,431.50 of that.
In 2007 tabacco taxes raised 22,873,384.00 Douglas recieved 61,679.46
Do you think maybe this might of helped to get rid of the sales tax on food? I really don't know,but I don't see where it could of hurt.
Just remember"For every law that is passed is a little less freedom you have."
Any goverment that is large enough to give you everything you want,is also large enough to take everything away.
To the editor;
I won't argue the fact that smoking is a choice and not a right. But then neither is driving.But it's my choice. Not the best one but probably not the last bad one I'll make in my lifetime.
This one I will argue. What about the rights of the business owner? Shouldn't they be given the right to choose what will be allowed in their establishment? Or should that right be taken away? For the safety of the people that have the choice to of whether or not they enter that establishment? Gun laws were made for the same reasons. For the protection of the public.
New York just passed a trans fat law.Why? Because people can't seem to make the right choices. So now they've decided to make Big Brother watch out for us. They're not taking our rights,we're giving them away.
In 2006 tobacco taxes raised 21,027,845.00 Douglas recieved 54,431.50 of that.
In 2007 tabacco taxes raised 22,873,384.00 Douglas recieved 61,679.46
Do you think maybe this might of helped to get rid of the sales tax on food? I really don't know,but I don't see where it could of hurt.
Just remember"For every law that is passed is a little less freedom you have."
Any goverment that is large enough to give you everything you want,is also large enough to take everything away.