Letting Rabbits Roam for short periods?


┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
7 Years
Apr 12, 2015
Montgomery, TX
I have a space on my barn patio that is protected with gates on concrete for my rabbits. It's fairly large, like maybe 500 or so square feet, and they're enclosure is in part of that. This is also near my chicken space, that is in the same barn. They are both located in the middle of a 1 acre field. The perimeter is fully fenced with anti-climb horse wire.

I have two Californian rescue 4H rabbits. They're 2 years old. Can I let them out for short time periods in this setup? I feel like it's highly likely they're going to run to the edge of the field and dig under the fence if they're only out for an hour or two at a time. I wouldn't particularly be watching them, but I would be checking on them, and I'd only do it while I am outside.

Is this a horrible idea, or should I have been doing this long ago?
They'll most likely be more interested in munching healthy herbs than digging, but an open field leaves them vulnerable. If you have lawn furniture or equipment that can be left in the field, they'll probably munch away near it.

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