LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers



8 Years
Aug 31, 2015
Near Seattle, WA
****Please read before posting in this thread!****

This thread is not breaking any BYC rules and is allowed to be here. It is no different than any other "group type" thread in this forum. It is not about sex or gender, it's about people's lives, their birds, what they did over the weekend, etc... If you wish to participate we ask that you be respectful just as you would in any other thread here on BYC. Do not come here to change anyone. No confrontational inquiries, no arguing an opposing opinion or trolling comments please.

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~BYC Staff


Are there any other LGBT folks on this site? I tried to make a thread a few years ago but it got removed. I think it would be cool to have a little community on here!
Did you mean to ask if any of us keep LBGT chickens?

Mine seem to be all normal but I can check to see if there are any hiding in the closet..
This really isn’t a joke thread, I’m just trying to find other people like me. I’ve seen threads for moms, for seniors, and for people from different states. Why not make one for LGBT folk?

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