LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Hi all,
It has been a while. My girls did pretty well over the winter and I'm back up to 10 eggs/day. I have recently accepted a promotion that requires me to move to Omaha, NE from Colorado Springs. I have looked up their laws and they require a permit and you have to have it before you can move in the birds from my understanding. Has anyone had to chickens and how did you do it? Also, does anyone have recommendations for my situation about the permit?
Not sure if it can be considered funny but I accidentally scared our drake while I had the ducklings outside again yesterday. He was walking towards the ducklings to get a closer look but once he was a few feet away, he seemed to remember I was out there and got scared. He walked quickly over to the ducks' black tub that they've been using as a bath and he refused to look at me the whole time. He knows not to go against me if I'm out there with any baby birds.

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