I will start with a bit of the story first.
Last year I started with the chickens and ducks, they were in the backyard free range only came to the coop at night.Was not long before I have my fist fox visit and second and third, then I decided to go with electric fencing, this stop the fox but still have to deal with weasels. Then came the neighbour complain of the netting so we have to move everybody to the other side of the property, we were doing great until coyotes start to came an figure out that they could get between the close up of the fencing and we have owls as well that will attack the ducks that will sleep in the shelter but not close, but the biggest problem was the chickens were tearing up the area so according to county laws and HOA we are not allow to do that.So I moved everybody to the barn sucks in the stall and chickens in their coop in the run so far everything was working perfect chickens free in the 10 acres and county HOA and me happy.
But yesterday have my first fox attack again she is the same girls from last year and show at the same time between 5:30 and 6:30 when the dogs are eating, the horses manage to scare her a bit but she was smart enough to lure 2 of my chickens out of the horses pack and got a hen and a rooster,when I realize the horses have been make a circle around one hen and where kicking the fox by the back I let the German shepherd run to the fox and he was gone.
I went and grab the hen that was between the horses that by now was coming to the coop and it was a ad picture but tender as well how the tree horses where coming behind her kind of giving her a bit of pushes with their heads I grab her and he was gasping already so she die in my arms.That fox cost me 3 chickens las night.
Ok here is the plan where suggestion and expertise will came handy.
First I know somebody will tell me to coop them totally I can not do that.
I thing is cruel to lock them in a small space when they have been free their whole life, some will say better lock that dead that is true but I will do that as my last option and will have to include a whole plan because then again HOA play a part.
I sell my eggs for 5$ a dozen because people see my chickens really free and I feed organic, is I was to lock them then they will not pay ore than 3$ that is what you get for the suppose organic free range eggs in the store witch I think we all know what they really are.
The other option is LGD, well I can not have one of those for now because of the HOA again and county laws as well we are only allow 4 pets (cats, dogs) and we already have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
On the dogs in hand I go now.
-Newfoundland, she is great with the chickens but at 10 years old not fast enough for a fox or coyote and she is consider more as a floor decoration.She was the first dog I got when I move from Peru so is no way I am getting rid of her. Besides is a good baby sitter has been for my 13 year old and s now for my 3 year old.
-The Yorkie, amazingly sweet for a terrier with every single animal even the bunnies , but we all know how she will end up against a fox.I wont get rid of her because is my 3 year old favourite dog ad is my little princes as well.
-Now I am gonna have to put my hopes in this guy the evil smart german shepherd.He is a two year old full of energy and piss and vinegar guy always on the go.But he has a bit of bad history with chickens and here is where I need the help.
So far he is good at herding the chickens I use him to herd the ducks as geese since those are the harder ones to get in the stall at night, the problems is , he like to herd the chickens too but as soon one is separated and I am not directing he decide to get it as a chew toy. I lost tow chickens two him in the last 2 months.
The dog need to be out to burn the energy he has but that can not be an option because he will o and get lonely chickens and burn the energy with them so I came with the idea of the invisible fencing, so he will be out burning energy but not with the chickens and witch ever chickens was close to him will be able to scape once the perimeter rich the dog and zap him.
I was suppose to install the system this weekend but the weather did not cooperate much.
But now since I had the attack yesterday that system will not be so effective because he won't be able to go in the property where the chickens are to help with the fox.
So my new thinking train him as a guard dog.But is it too late?
I am thinking on putting a muzle on him so he can not hurt the chickens for now, I am going to get one of those remote zappers so I can train him with that considering he is evil smart he probably won't get zap many times, and when I am not out with him leave him with the muzle. Does this seems too cruel.
The fox will be deter only by the smell of the dog doing perimeter walks or the dog really needs to be in the area meaning my dog is out but most likely lay by the house door and not with the chickens obviously if he hear commotion and see a fox will go but will this be enough.
I ma planning to do this with pictures and comments on how progress goes but first I need to hear from experience owners if is even doable.
Thanks in advance and my apologies on the english
Last year I started with the chickens and ducks, they were in the backyard free range only came to the coop at night.Was not long before I have my fist fox visit and second and third, then I decided to go with electric fencing, this stop the fox but still have to deal with weasels. Then came the neighbour complain of the netting so we have to move everybody to the other side of the property, we were doing great until coyotes start to came an figure out that they could get between the close up of the fencing and we have owls as well that will attack the ducks that will sleep in the shelter but not close, but the biggest problem was the chickens were tearing up the area so according to county laws and HOA we are not allow to do that.So I moved everybody to the barn sucks in the stall and chickens in their coop in the run so far everything was working perfect chickens free in the 10 acres and county HOA and me happy.
But yesterday have my first fox attack again she is the same girls from last year and show at the same time between 5:30 and 6:30 when the dogs are eating, the horses manage to scare her a bit but she was smart enough to lure 2 of my chickens out of the horses pack and got a hen and a rooster,when I realize the horses have been make a circle around one hen and where kicking the fox by the back I let the German shepherd run to the fox and he was gone.
I went and grab the hen that was between the horses that by now was coming to the coop and it was a ad picture but tender as well how the tree horses where coming behind her kind of giving her a bit of pushes with their heads I grab her and he was gasping already so she die in my arms.That fox cost me 3 chickens las night.
Ok here is the plan where suggestion and expertise will came handy.
First I know somebody will tell me to coop them totally I can not do that.
I thing is cruel to lock them in a small space when they have been free their whole life, some will say better lock that dead that is true but I will do that as my last option and will have to include a whole plan because then again HOA play a part.
I sell my eggs for 5$ a dozen because people see my chickens really free and I feed organic, is I was to lock them then they will not pay ore than 3$ that is what you get for the suppose organic free range eggs in the store witch I think we all know what they really are.
The other option is LGD, well I can not have one of those for now because of the HOA again and county laws as well we are only allow 4 pets (cats, dogs) and we already have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
On the dogs in hand I go now.
-Newfoundland, she is great with the chickens but at 10 years old not fast enough for a fox or coyote and she is consider more as a floor decoration.She was the first dog I got when I move from Peru so is no way I am getting rid of her. Besides is a good baby sitter has been for my 13 year old and s now for my 3 year old.
-The Yorkie, amazingly sweet for a terrier with every single animal even the bunnies , but we all know how she will end up against a fox.I wont get rid of her because is my 3 year old favourite dog ad is my little princes as well.
-Now I am gonna have to put my hopes in this guy the evil smart german shepherd.He is a two year old full of energy and piss and vinegar guy always on the go.But he has a bit of bad history with chickens and here is where I need the help.
So far he is good at herding the chickens I use him to herd the ducks as geese since those are the harder ones to get in the stall at night, the problems is , he like to herd the chickens too but as soon one is separated and I am not directing he decide to get it as a chew toy. I lost tow chickens two him in the last 2 months.
The dog need to be out to burn the energy he has but that can not be an option because he will o and get lonely chickens and burn the energy with them so I came with the idea of the invisible fencing, so he will be out burning energy but not with the chickens and witch ever chickens was close to him will be able to scape once the perimeter rich the dog and zap him.
I was suppose to install the system this weekend but the weather did not cooperate much.
But now since I had the attack yesterday that system will not be so effective because he won't be able to go in the property where the chickens are to help with the fox.
So my new thinking train him as a guard dog.But is it too late?
I am thinking on putting a muzle on him so he can not hurt the chickens for now, I am going to get one of those remote zappers so I can train him with that considering he is evil smart he probably won't get zap many times, and when I am not out with him leave him with the muzle. Does this seems too cruel.
The fox will be deter only by the smell of the dog doing perimeter walks or the dog really needs to be in the area meaning my dog is out but most likely lay by the house door and not with the chickens obviously if he hear commotion and see a fox will go but will this be enough.
I ma planning to do this with pictures and comments on how progress goes but first I need to hear from experience owners if is even doable.
Thanks in advance and my apologies on the english