Life and death

nchls school

8 Years
Apr 22, 2015
Today the nursing home called to inform me that my 98 year old mother would not survive the weekend. My family is large-waiting to get what they can. A kind word would be appreciated.
So sorry you're going through this. Unfortunately, a death in the family can bring out the worst in people, and often rip open festering wounds in family dynamics. I wish you and your family the best. Hoping that your Mom's passing will be pain free.
So sorry you're going through this.  Unfortunately, a death in the family can bring out the worst in people, and often rip open festering wounds in family dynamics.  I wish you and your family the best.  Hoping that your Mom's passing will be pain free.  

Thank you. In the spring my wife and I and her mother are going away as far as we can get.
We only get one mother - mine died at 97. Her death allowed me to 'divorce' myself from a toxic sister. I send my sympathies. I can relate on so very many levels.
We only get one mother - mine died at 97.  Her death allowed me to 'divorce' myself from a toxic sister.  I send my sympathies.  I can relate on so very many levels.

Thank you. For thirty years I have cared for my mother as son and as POA. My family is large, and yet, I have no family at all. Sorry, sorrow has got the best of me.
Loosing your mother is hard. Lost mine this spring to Parkinson's she was 69.

I like Sour find myself freed up from sibling burdens.

Take care of YOURSELF right now and spend the time you can with her.
You will find that if they did not honor her life they will not respect her in death and to try to find something in them they do not have to give will make you crazy. Honor your mother and make her proud your way and then take a vacation from your family don't answer emails or phone calls.

I pray she has a will!
Mother's health has improved. The nursing home staff is amazed at her tenacity to life.
that's good news, she has lived a very long life, I'm sorry about your family though, I too don't feel close to mine so I know how lonely that can feel, thinking good thoughts for your mom.
Loosing your mother is hard. Lost mine this spring to Parkinson's she was 69.

I like Sour find myself freed up from sibling burdens.

Take care of YOURSELF right now and spend the time you can with her.

I pray she has a will!

A will is essential! I was executor on my mother's estate - took no 'executor's fee'. Everything was divided equally between my two sisters and me as per my mother's will. My oldest sister is a saint - the other NOT. I have seen her once since the funeral.

"Friends are the family you make for yourself."

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