I have two Light Sussex, one is 32 weeks old (white one) and the other 20 weeks old. We are in Australia, so we have plenty of warm weather, fresh water and good food. They receive some treats, but not too many.
But so far we have no eggs from these chickens. Is it normal?
Our other chickens are commercial ones and have been laying since 18 weeks. You will also notice that one light Sussex is all white, which I also don't have a explanation for as I bought her from a breeder when she was a day old chick. All the others turn out normall.
But so far we have no eggs from these chickens. Is it normal?
Our other chickens are commercial ones and have been laying since 18 weeks. You will also notice that one light Sussex is all white, which I also don't have a explanation for as I bought her from a breeder when she was a day old chick. All the others turn out normall.