Light Sussex vs. Light Brahma for Winter


Aug 28, 2018
Hi everyone, new to the chicken forum - we recently picked up two Light Sussex's and two Light Brahma's. We want to keep only two for the winter (gets down to -25 C).

Research tells me that these two breeds seem to be quite similar, but our brahma's are more shy & the sussex's are kinda bossy towards them.

We want to keep the two that are:
- most quiet
- winter hardy
- lay consistently

What would you suggest? Any other comparisons of the two?

(They will live in a small insulated coop with a small run and be let out during the day)

EDITED: Question - is our brahma pure? They do have the feet feather. Photo:

(Brahma on the left; the other 2 are sussex's)
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If you must shrink the flock to two, I would keep the Brahma. While both breeds are winter hardy, and both are more likely than many breeds to keep laying right thru the winter, the Brahma are more famous for both.

Not that what the crowd thinks it knows is necessarily truth, but in this case, you can't really make a bad decision, so may as well favor what the crowd thinks it knows.
While I would for myself always go for Sussex, it does seem Brahma will suit you better.

I have had a great experience with Sussex.
My current LS has been hatching chicks since she was 5-6 months, and laying consistently every day she wasn't brooding.
She's still laying at almost five years old.
She's also extremely friendly.

I found her today in the scratch bucket...someone had escaped her pen...

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