"Lilac" guineas??


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Aug 30, 2007
New York State
My Coop
My Coop
One of my friends keeps insisting that one of her Lavender guineas is a Lilac (after I told her it wasn't a Slate.. completely different color as babies). I've never heard of this color in guineas. Am I correct in believing it's non-existent?
Lilac does not "officially" exist on any color chart that I've seen. Ask your friend for pics of it.It's probably a Lite Lavender or Lite Blue, or possibly a Porcelain or Opaline depending on the stripes/markings on it's head (if it's a keet still).
I'll probably still be able to tell what the keets are, if the pics are accurate.There should still be remnants of their head fuzz at 7 wks, so ask for pics of that as well as clear pics of their feathers.
All righty. I got some pictures of these guineas.

This is the one I think they're calling a "lilac," but it's (I'm 99% positive) a lavender. I have 2 lavenders myself so I'm pretty sure about it.

The one to the right of that one is the one I am not sure about. Slate? Bronze? Here are some more pics of that one...

The best picture of its head fuzz is the very first photo... They were way back in the corner of their cage and I couldn't get any closer. These are all zoomed in.

Any ideas??
The middle keet in the 1st pic is a typical normal Lavender. (You were right!!!). Not a Lite Lavender, but a regular Lavender. (Hehe... mhmm sure, Lilac)

The keet in the 2nd pic, 3rd pic that you are unsure about... looks like a Slate to me. It's not dark enough to be a Violet, and too dark to be a Pewter, too blue to be a Copper.

And just for chits and giggles... the lightest keet in the 4th pic looks pure White, cuz I see no pearling on it, in that pic...

Nice mix of keets tho
I knew it was a Lavender! lol

So the dark one I'm not sure about is a probable slate.

Hehe.... Yep, it's a white. I've got 2 of them as well. x]
I was guessing it's a Slate because it just doesn't really look dark enough to be a Violet to me, but now that I look at it again a little closer I do see a purple sheen to some of it's new feathers and it's head fuzz is kinda light, so it may mature out to be a diluted Violet. Slates and Violets are extra hard to ID at that scruffy age when they are losing their baby feathers/molting, they go thru a lot of changes
Ask her what it looked like when it was younger... if it was a darker brown/rust color over most of it's body then it's a Slate, if it was a lighter rusty color with white wings and some white/cream on it's face then it's a Violet (if you or she cares what color it is, lol).

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