I shouldn't have been perusing Craigslist, very dangerous, but that's how I found out about Lilly, a white goose who's "husband" Shredder had been killed by coyotes last week. She's all alone, and her owners are afraid to get any more poultry for fear of the coyote problem in their area. She was not to go for "food" as the ad said, she was a pet. I debated for a very long time, almost 0.00007 seconds, and shot an email to Lilly's owner.
I'm going to go pick her up in about an hour. The owner says she doesn't know what KIND of goose Lilly is, just that she is "small" and all white and doesn't have a knob on her forehead. So I'm figuring she's a non tufted Roman.
She is definitely a female, and was sitting on a clutch of eggs that was also lost to predators. I'm wasting no time getting out there, let me tell you.
I don't have any experience introducing adult geese to adult geese. I have two spoiled American Lavenders who get along great with their chicken and duck flock. Since Lilly is female, and per her previous owner, very shy, how would you integrate her? Separated for a few days in full view? They will all share a large pen during the day while I'm at work, and then get to roam the back yard while I'm home. TIA for any tips or advice!!
I'm going to go pick her up in about an hour. The owner says she doesn't know what KIND of goose Lilly is, just that she is "small" and all white and doesn't have a knob on her forehead. So I'm figuring she's a non tufted Roman.
She is definitely a female, and was sitting on a clutch of eggs that was also lost to predators. I'm wasting no time getting out there, let me tell you.
I don't have any experience introducing adult geese to adult geese. I have two spoiled American Lavenders who get along great with their chicken and duck flock. Since Lilly is female, and per her previous owner, very shy, how would you integrate her? Separated for a few days in full view? They will all share a large pen during the day while I'm at work, and then get to roam the back yard while I'm home. TIA for any tips or advice!!
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