Literally got my butt beat by a guinea today

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
So today was the day. My guinea-wanna be chicken discovered the keets in the brooder cage. AND she wouldnt let any chicken in the coop. (brooder cage is in the coop).
She kept up her racket and her chasing others and her tantrum until I decided today is the day I am moving (away hahaha from her incessant hollering)...the babies to the other pen- a modified dog kennel with branches and a tarp and etc.
So, I reached in and caught baby one, and she flew at me in a psycho cobra ninja motion and beat the tar out of me which made me lose one of the keets in the coop. Well she went over to claim it as her long lost child and I nabbed the last two.
When I went to get the wayward keet, she came at me again and again and I finally grabbed a two X four roost to fend her off,got the baby and ran haha. Blood running down both my legs from the scratches she inflicted and Im sure Ill have many bruises tomorrow.

It took her all day to find out where I moved them. So I opened the pen to let her join her own kind and the keets ( of course) thought she was a pterodactyl - so I let her back out. A couple more weeks and maybe they can all live together.

As for the injured keet- well.. I did try to get pictures. But what I think happened is that it dislocated or slipped tendons in its "ankle". It flexes its toes, it walks from the knee up. Its foot is somewhat out and up and it doesnt use it. But it can roost. And it hobbles. So,it is what it is, hopefully it will be able to adapt and thrive.
Wow that sounds like you had a day! I hope you’re having a relaxing evening after that eventful day. If not, here’s a fire picture to make you feel like you did because you deserve it :highfive:
In the future, catch and isolate the hen before you do anything else. Too late this time but ...

I havent been able to catch her since she was three weeks old.Shes been living as a mean "chicken". These are not her babies. She has ignored this brooder that had keets and chicks since I brought them home three ?weeks ago. There is a thread somewhere on here about my failed plan to give her babies and taking her eggs away. I had no idea she would attack me when I got the babies- but apparently she can switch on cobra foster mama mode in an instant.
So today was the day. My guinea-wanna be chicken discovered the keets in the brooder cage. AND she wouldnt let any chicken in the coop. (brooder cage is in the coop).
She kept up her racket and her chasing others and her tantrum until I decided today is the day I am moving (away hahaha from her incessant hollering)...the babies to the other pen- a modified dog kennel with branches and a tarp and etc.
So, I reached in and caught baby one, and she flew at me in a psycho cobra ninja motion and beat the tar out of me which made me lose one of the keets in the coop. Well she went over to claim it as her long lost child and I nabbed the last two.
When I went to get the wayward keet, she came at me again and again and I finally grabbed a two X four roost to fend her off,got the baby and ran haha. Blood running down both my legs from the scratches she inflicted and Im sure Ill have many bruises tomorrow.

It took her all day to find out where I moved them. So I opened the pen to let her join her own kind and the keets ( of course) thought she was a pterodactyl - so I let her back out. A couple more weeks and maybe they can all live together.

As for the injured keet- well.. I did try to get pictures. But what I think happened is that it dislocated or slipped tendons in its "ankle". It flexes its toes, it walks from the knee up. Its foot is somewhat out and up and it doesnt use it. But it can roost. And it hobbles. So,it is what it is, hopefully it will be able to adapt and thrive.
In the future, catch and isolate the hen before you do anything else. Too late this time but ...
So today was the day. My guinea-wanna be chicken discovered the keets in the brooder cage. AND she wouldnt let any chicken in the coop. (brooder cage is in the coop).
She kept up her racket and her chasing others and her tantrum until I decided today is the day I am moving (away hahaha from her incessant hollering)...the babies to the other pen- a modified dog kennel with branches and a tarp and etc.
So, I reached in and caught baby one, and she flew at me in a psycho cobra ninja motion and beat the tar out of me which made me lose one of the keets in the coop. Well she went over to claim it as her long lost child and I nabbed the last two.
When I went to get the wayward keet, she came at me again and again and I finally grabbed a two X four roost to fend her off,got the baby and ran haha. Blood running down both my legs from the scratches she inflicted and Im sure Ill have many bruises tomorrow.

It took her all day to find out where I moved them. So I opened the pen to let her join her own kind and the keets ( of course) thought she was a pterodactyl - so I let her back out. A couple more weeks and maybe they can all live together.

As for the injured keet- well.. I did try to get pictures. But what I think happened is that it dislocated or slipped tendons in its "ankle". It flexes its toes, it walks from the knee up. Its foot is somewhat out and up and it doesnt use it. But it can roost. And it hobbles. So,it is what it is, hopefully it will be able to adapt and thrive.
to be continued...
one of the " too small to have free run-but too big to be in a play yard" Dominique chicks got stuck between the bars bars of the play yard and was screaming her head off. And by stuck, I mean super stuck. I was trying to help her when suddenly Nanny Guinea came flying from nowhere and got me again.....and again.... in the back. I dont blame her she was trying to help the chick she thought I was eating. When striking me didnt work, she ran outside and beat up my middle chickens.
Finally got baby free and am left shaking my head.
Guinea doesnt care the slightest bit about the guinea keets in the other pen. Just these chicks- same age.
I havent been able to catch her since she was three weeks old.Shes been living as a mean "chicken". These are not her babies. She has ignored this brooder that had keets and chicks since I brought them home three ?weeks ago. There is a thread somewhere on here about my failed plan to give her babies and taking her eggs away. I had no idea she would attack me when I got the babies- but apparently she can switch on cobra foster mama mode in an instant.

I got myself a fishing net with an extendable handle and a largish net opening on Amazon for under $30. That made it possible for me to catch guineas on occasion. If you're in an enclosed space and can close the doors, like inside a coop, it's very possible to catch. Never had much luck out in the yard, but it can help if an adult is injured or whatnot. Having a pretty good chuckle here, mainly at your wonderful attitude. You seem like a kind and caring person.

Have had numerous guineas get injured as adults, their legs are vulnerable. They hobble along and sometimes cure entirely, others limp all their lives and probably fall prey to predators more easily, but hey they are happy. Never had one injured as a keet, thinking strong kind thoughts. Guineas are such tough and quirky birds, so interesting, so communal in their habits, I love them very much. We are moving to a location where guineas are against the law (Hawaii) because they could become naturalized so easily, so my days of guineas are soon to be in the past. This is perhaps the only sacrifice I'm making, but it's serious for me. Best wishes on your need-to-momma guinea hen finding her way with the keets.
Well...Guinea adventures continue. I definitely didnt know what I was getting in to when I got guineas.
First and foremost- I needed more than two guineas to start with. When I only had two hatch successfully, I should have pursued and found at least one more somewhere. When the one guinea was killed, I was left with The Evil Queen. And we all know that having her with my chickens was a mistake because she thinks she is a chicken. Alpha chicken. But, she and her mean chicken sister and Lil Roo all free ranged during the day, and we adapted.

The young guinea keets (three whole and one crippled) have been in the dog pen on the opposite side of the yard since my original post on this thread. Evil Queen has thought the chicken chicks were her responsibility to keep safe even though they dont think she is mom.

Sister chicken was killed by a predator Friday at some point. She was the only one who couldnt fly ( wing clipped last year at the persistence of my boyfriends mother- never ever again!) All day long non stop from the very moment the sun came up, guinea has been calling for her friend. To the point I was exasperated. If I could have captured her I would have put her in the dog pen. Or a box. Or the trunk of my car..but I digress. I just wanted her to know that there were three youngsters that speak her language five hundred yards? away. I chased, I got the net. We went around and around the chicken pen. She wouldnt go the direction she needed to go so she could hear the keets.
So I flipped the script. I got the keets out. One screaming keet managed to fly away and to the top of the dog pen where it proceeded to call its siblings below. The guinea heard the screeching babies and went in to full on protect mode. Attack and protect her chicken chicks because someone somewhere was hurting them. Not attack me- but attack the 18 adult chickens minding their own business. So I netted the keets, and I brought them to the chicken pen. This now had been eight hours of listening to her call for her sister chicken. non stop. The keets instantly joined the chicks, ate drank and ran around. And made guinea noises. And the incessant calling of The Evil Queen stopped.
Right now, everyone is roosting. Chickens, chicks, Guinea, keets. And the only sound is that of my Lil Roo and Lil RooJr having a crow- off, and I am drinking my coffee and it is peaceful.

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