My eggs hatched yesterday and the night before. When there was only one egg left not hatched I became worried for it. It pipped, but the membrane wasn't breaking. It sat like that for hours. There was no progress and no rocking for a very long time. It was only day 20, but I had a bad feeling. Everybody else was ready for the brooder. One had been hatched more than 24 hours before. I decided to break the rules and opened the bator. I broke the membrane at the pip area. It was like leather!! The humidity had been 50% - 55% the first 18 days. After that It ran 68% - 70%. I think maybe this guy had been too close to the fan the first 18 days. He was so weak. I continued to break the rules and was glad I did. I carefully open his shell unil he popped out. He was huge, way too big for the egg. There was no blood and the yoke was totally absorbed. We put him back in the bator to dry and rest. Then my husband noticed his feet. The were massive compared to the others. He didn't move for hours. This morning he looked well and his feet are smaller. They must have been swollen. They are still bigger than most of the others though. I have a few extremely large chicks in this group. Would struggling in the egg so long make his feet swell?