Little Daddy & his ginormous comb get a breeder pics pg 44

I went to check my chicks yesterday and was thinking of getting a new picture of my big comb chick to see if it got any bigger and I found him dead. I don't know why but I noticed a couple other chicks acting sleepy. I got them a bunch of grass and gave them some chick starter that we had left. I got thinking maybe this old glass jar bird waterer might be carrying some bacteria so I took it out. I checked the chicks today and the one that acted the sickest was doing a lot better. Not really sure what happened.
oh, that is too sad! i hope that the rest perk right up and feel better.
the inside is literally a box. shavings on the floor. no roost. seriously. they stay nice and clean and sleep in one corner, girls lay eggs in another.
you're right. we do. i promise as soon as i'm feeling better that i will go out and get some! it'll be good incentive to take my meds everyday like the doc said!
he's out in his house doing his chicken thang! he's the man with the plan. i'll see if i can get an update this week.

he is sooo little! that comb growth totally stunted the rest of him!

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