Little roo is hen pecked. Is this normal?


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
I've got two hens and a rooster who is younger. I'm not sure how old he is. We didn't raise him. Anyway, for the first couple of weeks, my girls were horribly mean to him. After that, they accepted him, but they still seem dominant over him. He stands back and lets them eat, which I've been told is normal rooster behavior. But if he's eating something and one of the girls decides she wants it, she runs him off. And it's not that he's timid. He chases my little rat terrier all over the yard. He's so funny. The feathers on his neck stand up and watch out dog! He doesn't attempt to hurt him. Just chases him off. Anyway, do I have a normal rooster? Oh and he's also not crowing yet. When will that start?
I really don't know what he is. He came from a farm that raises them for meat, so I feel like we've done a really good deed saving him. He's mostly white with a little black mingled in. I'll see if I can figure out how to post a picture of him.
Here he is. Hope this works.

He's a sweet boy. But doesn't like being handled. None of my girls do either. I bought them from the feed store when they were little, but they weren't newly hatched. They've never liked being handled. The only time my girls have liked to be held was July 4th when we were shooting fireworks. My daughter held one and I held the other as we sat on the swing. They liked being held then.

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