We brought home our 10 chicks (3 ameraucanas, 3 RIR, 3 black Australorps and 1 silver laced wyandotte)on April 3. They absolutely took over my life! Every day I would sit and observe them interact - they are fascinating, yet simple creatures. I noticed that my little lonely SLW was changing: Bright red comb and bright red waddles. She's a he! Still, the sweetest little bird who would let you catch him and hold him. Then, one of my ameraucanas started to look very different from her sisters: white feathers where the other two had red/golden feathers. "Her" feathers were coming in slower, yet "she" was so much bigger. Not to mention the three rows for a comb and the signs of spurs. Yes, I know, to early to tell, but my gut tells me roo (that's what happens when you become obsessed with chicks).
Needless to say, today I've replaced the ameraucana roo with a pullet and as for the SLW, he's found a home with one of my neighbors who bought chickens from the same place at the same time I did, so he will be ok.
The reason I've started this thread, is to express how easy it is to get caught up in the life of the coop. I actually feel as if I am the bottom of the pecking order. So watch you all you newbies out there, there's no going back, your chicks will take over your life!
Needless to say, today I've replaced the ameraucana roo with a pullet and as for the SLW, he's found a home with one of my neighbors who bought chickens from the same place at the same time I did, so he will be ok.
The reason I've started this thread, is to express how easy it is to get caught up in the life of the coop. I actually feel as if I am the bottom of the pecking order. So watch you all you newbies out there, there's no going back, your chicks will take over your life!