Lockdown Saturday 5/19!

need help

In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
I am in Lockdown on Saturday, anyone else in? I have 37 eggs going into lockdown. I also have 5 guinea hen eggs in the incubator at the same time. Should I take them out so they don't get the effects of the raised humidity?
I'd say leave the guinea eggs in the incubator unless you have another one you could move them to, to stop them getting kicked about. I don't think a few days of higher humidity will have much effect on them and you'll have a few days of lower humidity after the chicks hacth.

I have had staggered hatches whereby one lot hatches then 6 days later a second lot have hatched and they were fine having not been turned for 3 days and having experineced a few days of higher humidity.

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