Lonely chick

Me too i’m just really worried and sad right now
Just make sure that once you begin integration, you do as much supervising as you can in the beginning, to see how the older ones take to the younger one.

Having a lot of space and clutter to work with will help, so the younger bird can get away and hide if needed, as does having at least 2 feeders spread out to avoid conflicts over food.
In February we got two bantam chicks for my bantam rooster Toots (he's my profile picture!) before the winter storm hit. Well once it hit we lost electricity and it killed one of the two babies. The survivor was named Lucky, who is now a very sweet hen! She was lonely so we gave her a teddy bear, which she hid under all the time. Finally after recovering from the storm we got her some friends and she didn't hide under the teddy bear anymore. :)


Edit: So sorry about your other chick!

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