Lonely Rooster Singles Club


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Millersburg, PA
I know I have hatched out way too many roosters and having a hard time finding a homes for them so I decided to start a thread for lonely Roosters to meet new hens!

Please feel free to post your single rooster along with a bio!!!

My name is Trooper. I am an EE/Silkie mix.
I love long walks in the pasture but don’t have many friends. My only companion Charlie (Charlie is a girl) decided to go broody and I have no one to hang out with. I do try to make friends with the others in the flock but they tend to chase me away most times.
I had a very hard start to life and almost did not pull through. I was way too big for my shell and needed help from my human to get out. This caused severe spraddle leg in both my legs. I became very weak and my human made me eat and drink when I really didn’t want to and also do little chick exercises and you can hardly tell I ever had a problem. My human thinks I have just a little bit of a funny walk but let me tell you, I can keep up with the big boys no problem! I love chicks and help to round them up to bring them back into the coop and am always the last one in after being sure everyone is accounted for and safe.
Looking for some girls who will love me for what I am! Please contact my human if interested!


Thanks. He has attitude too. Does not like my DH. But than my DH does not like him either.
He let's me carry him around. Oh and great thread
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My name is Gilda (excuse the name- my human thought i was a girl because i didnt crow until 6 months, silly human). I am a RIR and am the only one of my kind left here. Me and 4 others were rescued from a small farm where there were hundreds of us in a small dog run maybe 8' by 8'!!! My 2 brothers didnt stay long as they would try to pick fights with the ladys ( i mean really, can't they be gentlemen like me. preens and struts around, coos for all of the ladys that may be looking*). Luckily, I was smart enough to know who brought the food, was respectful and thus my life was spared by my human. My 2 sisters and 2 others were taken by a fox though i put up a fight (my human got him in a trap less then a month later and i circled the trap growling to mock him). I now am in charge of just 3 barred rock ladys and have been a bit lonely. My human tried to solve this by bringing in 7 babies (luckily for her i like babies).

My hobbies include staring at my reflection in window and grooming myself, following and staring at my human as she does things around the house, helping her garden (eating bugs and her grapes before they are ripe enough for her...she understands though). I like greeting visitors, scanning them to make sure they are ok to enter and seeing if they have any food.
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this is such a cute thread...

more please......

I too have a rooster..but he's not lonely...hes just cranky. ha

Here's mister know it all.
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