Look what I found in my coop tonight!!!!


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
South Beloit, IL
I thought I was having trouble lately with some egg eating chickens. I had found some shells in a few of the nest boxes the last few days, but was still getting a decent number of eggs.

Tonight I went out to lock up the girls and every box I looked in was empty or had shells only.

One box I thought had a broody girl in it, but as I looked closer I realized those were not feathers, but fur.

The big old girl turned around and snarled at me.

I almost had a stroke. Ran to get DH and a camera.

DH guessed she weighed in at about 15 lbs.

It's a bit blurry 'cause I wasn't getting any closer.


Oh my gosh! What are you going to do with your new found (Very well fed looking) opie? They are actually rather docile...believe it or not...I pick them up by their tails, carry them away, and let them go, but it's not for everyone....and the opie will be back...
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DH did the deed. Picked her up by her tail and took her to the butchering stump. He knocked her out first since we don't want to be cruel.

Now I just have to keep an eye out for any family looking to take her place.

it may comfort you to know that the virginia opossum is a solitary creature, and unless she currently had babies on her, there isn't a great chance that she showed her find to others

I can only imagine if I had tried to stick my hand under her feeling for eggs.

I probably would be getting rabies vaccines right now.


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