Lookie what I found


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
This is what I came out to last week!

My rooster and EE started going off so I went out to check on them.

This falcon or hawk or whatever sure wasnt scared of me. He just hoped onto the fence and sat there looking at me like I was going to serve him lunch.
A few days after that he flew over into the tree near our coop with my husband and I standing right there..


He reminds me of the little chicken hawk from the foghorn leghorn cartoons
yeah he was there twice last week and just sat there.

Beautiful bird... but not gonna happen!
I have the same problem. He would just come sit on the fence and hang out. My chickens free range and the hawk never bothered my chickens until today. The Hawk and my alpha went at it today. I walked out and found them both laying on the ground. My rooster seems to be okay. Just a little beat up. The hawk was half the size of my BO.

My roommate last night was like, "Why are you going all out on the roof? Couldn't you just toss some netting or something over it?"

I just shook my head and was like, "Dude, count the hawks on your way to work sometime." We've got a few in our neighborhood, and they're beautiful, but I'm not exactly keen to offer my future hens to them.
appears to be an adult Cooper's Hawk. i know if they get hungry enough, but the attacks on chickens are few and far between for these guys.
Well if he wants to be a chicken why doesnt he just say so! I would totally keep him as a pet

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