looking for a male Sebastopol goose in Ma or Ct


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
I have a female Sebastopol goose and i would like to get a gander for her . I dont want to cross her with my Ebden or my toulouse but i dont want to keep her by her self so i would like to get her a male just incase they decide to have babies . If you have one let me know
I could not find one when I was looking. I bought an adult one from Holderreads in Oregon.
My son lives in New Market NH, and says he's seen them at a farm there recently. How about Craig's List?
I got my first one from Craigslist. She actually got hers from Holderreads and had it free ranging in her back yard and she new i had a heated and insulated barn for my geese so she asked me to hold it for her for the winter but she came and visited her and saw she liked living wit my geese and gave it to me . Ill post another add on Craigs list who knows maybe i will get lucky LOl
They have only been together a month. Zeena and Zander are only 9mo. old, although Zeena
layed a few eggs before I got Zander. I don't think I'll have eggs for a while (fertile). If you don't come
up with a gander, keep in touch with me. I will let you have a couple eggs cheep cheep cheep!
I have a nice male available. Im in MD though. Monday Im driving up to NY to pick up a new peacock, and could possibly meet you.
I have shipping boxes and could mail him to you.

See photos of Solo on my web site.

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