Looking for a Salmon Fav pullet (PA)

I wish I was in PA, I have two girls and no boys. Guess that is good though considering I think 90% of my silkie babies are roos.

lol, i'm in pa. i had 2 boys and a girl but i gave my xtra boy away a few weeks ago now i only got a pair. do u both raise standard or bantams? mine r bantams.
Mine are bantam too Mary. I got mine from Jaynie in AL. I have another 9 eggs coming this week. Going to try one more time. Then I am just going to give up or order chicks someplace.

Morning. I don't raise them, I just bought 2 for my flock and it loos like they are both roo's. They are bantoms. Do they come in Standard?
my cuties r from mothergoose, i love them!! my sizzles r from jaynie, i love them too!! i got eggs comeing should be mon from christie. they will be the last i set this year to hatch for myself. she is also sending welsummers my first for them but last try for salmons. yes, they usually are standards but bantams are harder to find for that breed.


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