Looking for baby ducks for adoption


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Hey guys I'm new to this site but I was looking to adopt a baby duck and I live on long lsland new York ans I've had one before and I loved it, if anyone could help me I would appreciate it

Welcome to BYC!

The best thing you can do is connect with other members in your state thread in hopes they have ducklings...


I don't know if this thread will help you, but it seems pretty active and maybe you can locate a poultry show to pick up a couple ducks....


You can also check our Buy Sell and Trade section in hopes someone nearby may have what you are looking for...


I do recommend getting at least 2 ducks or ducklings as they are highly sociable creatures and need each other for mental health. Good luck in your quest and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! TwoCrows gave you some great links to get you started. Most farm/feed type stores carry baby ducklings this time of year, so if you have something like a TSC you might want to check them.

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