Looking for Baby Pigmy goats in Memphis, TN


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Hi all,,,,,,well, this is a new one for me but I'm looking to purchase a couple of baby pigmy goats around the Memphis area if anyone knows of a good breeder, let me know. Thanks, Julie
Hey julie, I don't have any pygmy goats but I do have the nigerian dwarves and they are small too. Just thought I would mention it, in case you don't find anything locally. I will hopefully have babies in spring if you are still looking by then. Email me if you need more info on pygmy goats owners, I may have someone. I will look through my stuff at home. Have not had pygmy goats in a while but may still have some of the farm info and will let you know if I do. Try http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/PygmyGoatPyn/. I use to be a member but not anymore. Nice folks there.

Hope you are doing ok. Email me sometime.


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