LOOKING FOR Black Australorp Pullet or two Western MA


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Western MA
I am in search of one or two Black Australorp Pullets to introduce to our young flock., they must have been vaccinated such as they come from the Nursery. I have a "rare " bird from McMurray to trade or will buy outright. One of our Black Giants died early on and I love the black colored hens in the mix so would like a few more. Our Pullets are over 2months now and very healthy.

Must be in Western MA or Northern CT Thank you!
Too bad you're not closer to chicago.... I have a 3 week old Australorp AND a black giant... both pullets... I'd give you either, I have too many chickens....
man! My brother in law just came for a visit from Chicago! LOL He is leaving today.., I should have been here a week ago I guess

Thanks though!
haha, too bad... timing stinks!

Hey, I was reading your blog... (it's raining and my son has visitation with my ex today, so I have nothing better to do than lurk BYC) but I was reading your thing about the cornish rocks... I think it's great raising some of your own meat, and agree 100% about factory conditions for store bought meat... it's good to let them live happily before they are killed... and I believe cornish rocks usually die from heart problems around 12 weeks anyway?? they're born to be eaten, and it's best they have a good life first
It has certainly been a learning process! We kept one of the girls for now, but looking at the organs and such they are certainly not healthy
I think we will pass on raising them for a while, BUT if things get very bad in a few years with conumption and demand outweighing resources at least we know we can do this. It certainly showed me I can self sustain anyways


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