looking for buff orpington chicks


12 Years
Jun 30, 2007
los angeles
just like the title says, i'm looking to add to my backyard flock of australorps and orpingtons

would like to add some buffs, the bigger the breeding stock the better, yea for big girls

you can pm me and i can also be reached at uaetcoj at yahoo dot com

i dont have an incubator, so chicks would be great. was hoping for my white orp to be broody, no dice

as far as the number, i am looking for the minimum amount you feel you can ship safely

i am looking for two, but have great homes for extras

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In San Fernando Valley and I am looking for Buff Orp chicks (no cockerels) too - if an order needs to be/can be split let me know - I will pick up. Probably 4-6 is all my area can hold and I can't find less than a 15 minimum. Thx.
If you wanted some of my chicks they would have to be Paypal only now as these will be ready to ship tues am. Please let me know otherwise I will be dropping all of them to the feedstore. thanks Kari
Thanks so much for your help. My feed store just got in 6 Buffs, so I grabbed them - Go ahead with your plans for the feed store. Sorry for the back and forth and thanks so much!!!

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