Looking for Chickens in Texas Panhandle


Serama Mama
11 Years
May 17, 2008
Amarillo, TX
I'm getting ready to start my flock!! Woo Hoo!

I'm trying to find 3-6 hens that are already laying (or should be starting soon) to start out with. Not interested in Bantams, would like full size birds.

If anyone has any, please let me know ;-)

Thanks in advance!
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Here's an ad in your local Craigslist

Are you still looking? And if so what breeds are you looking for? We live in NM but often travel to Amarillo (like this weekend!). I have four Silver Laced Cochin hens for sale, and could spare an Easter Egger or two. They are all laying.
OH Cara....so tell me are your EE pure Ameraucana or Araucana??

I'm not much into Bantams (or feather footed chickens), except Silkies and I'm getting a trio of OE Creles from a friend as soon as I get their coop built.

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Amy, they are Easter Eggers not Ameraucanas, although one of them only lays blue eggs. The Cochins are standards, not bantams.
Ok, showing my ignorance here....I thought any of the blue/green egg layers were nicknamed Easter Eggers....and thought that Ameraucanas and Araucana were the breeds that were called by that nickname.

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