Looking for coop ideas

Do you want a large coop? Medium coop? Small coop? A certain amount of space is needed for a chicken (4 sq. ft. per bird). BYC offers many designs from all different types of people. HERE you can find many different types and sizes of coops.
Oh, and :welcome

This will help you!
Lots of things to consider.

Are you planning on staying at 6 chickens? I planned on 6-8 and I'm currently at 15 chickens and 3 ducks. The more you add, the more room you need. 2 sqft of roosting space, 4 sqft of coop space, and 10 sqft of run space per bird is what I've always understood.

What climate are you in? Are your summers super warm, is it wet a lot, extremely cold winters? Living in the midwest, I need a winter supporting coop. I built basically a summer coop, and now I'll need to upgrade this year.

Are you or someone else in your household handy? Do you want to build one yourself or buy one (do not fall into the prefabs, done that too)? A shed can fairly easily be converted into a coop. Then of course there's the plethera of ideas and blueprints on BYC that someone linked above.

Best of luck, and :welcome
Still in the process of turning a 2-sided metal roofed pole barn into a large coop to keep up with chicken addiction.
The outside wall will have access to nest boxes, as well as having a window and more ventilation. All yet to come.

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