Looking for Dutch Booted Bantams aka Sablepoots

Cochin Lover 50

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 15, 2014

Meet Ross, I purchased him as a hatching egg. There must have slight mix up by the breeder and some stupidity o my part. I thought it would be a cochin like the rest of what I have. When I contacted the breeder he said it was a d'uccle. I posted his pictures on BYC group and was told he was a sabelpoot.So I searched sabelpoots and yes that is what he is as well as he is beautiful. Just 2.5 mos old. I am having a hard time locating Dutch Booted Bantams. I would like or Ross to have his own wives as I am not wanting to do mixed birds. I have googled and gone on everysite I could find with no luck.

Here is the best research I found about the breed and it's difference to the d'uccle


http://belgianduccle.hypermart.net/dUccle1page.html .

Does anyone on here have any?. Eggs or chicks?
Glad you joined us!

Good luck with finding the birds you want!
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