Looking for Emu Chicks, Roller Pigeons, Pheasents and/or Guineas for next year!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
Hey everyone, I know this is a long list of stuff, but hey mine as well get one ad placed for everything! Its already fall here and im starting to think about all the poultry to get for next year. I would love to add some more guineas & more roller pigeons to my collection along with possibly getting my first few Emu Chicks. I thought it would be a good idea to get a "Head Start" on looking for birds.

Im looking for about 10 guinea keets, any color but I would prefer pearls. I am also looking for any types of rollers, maybe 2 to 4. I think they are just the most fun of all pigeons. I would prefer at least year old pigeons if all possible.
I'm looking for some ringneck pheasent chicks aswell, probably less than 10.

And finally im looking for one or two Emu chicks, I have been thinking about it alot and I would just love to have one or two depending upon how much they cost with shipping.

I currently live in Indiana and raise lots of birds. I use the birds for 4-H and I also use their shed feathers for crafts. If you have any of the birds above that you would will be able to sell next year, 2013 (Spring would be the best for me) please let me know! You can message me here on BYC or you can email me here:
[email protected]
I look forward to hearing from everyone! Thank you!

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